In a world in which dangerous, exotic, antibiotic-resistant strains of microbes are becoming commonplace it is sensible to maintain high standards of cleanliness. This is especially true in the home environment where we sleep, eat and entertain – an environment over which we enjoy significant control. We at Fine Paints find it curious that most interior surfaces in well kept American homes are cleansed by regular washing but rarely if ever does a painted wall in a contemporary home receive cleaning of any type. Although walls comprise about three quarters of our home environment (all but ceilings, doors and windows) they seemingly escape the vision and thought of even the most fastidious homemakers. It was interesting that our client survey included several respondents who recalled that their Grandmothers made it a habit to wash walls as part of their annual Spring-cleaning. No doubt, this job in Grandmother’s day was made possible by the washable oil paints of the past.
Research in hospital and classroom environments document the fact that bacteria are frequently deposited on painted wall surfaces from which transmission to others can take place. Bacteria deposits on walls can be eliminated with a disinfectant.
We at Fine Paints do not profess to be experts in bacteriology but we note that different wall paint formulations provide different degrees of texture. This difference is apparent under a microscope. Fine Paints of Europe Eurolux Matte wallpaint is a tight film with significantly less texture and contour than Behr Ultra Pure White Flat Wallpaint. The same film properties which make Eurolux Matte less likely to stain and easier to wipe clean provide it with a porcelain like finish and a surface less receptive to germs and bacteria.
We assume that many homeowners do not wash walls because most domestic wallpaints are not formulated for repeated washing. Eurolux Matte is SCRUBBABLE and it is formulated to accept regular washing without shift in color or finish. Our research indicates that a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar and water applied by sponge or dry Swiffer® is all that is required to quickly disinfect walls and ceilings. Cost of such treatment is minimal and since no rinsing is required an average room can be treated in 15 minutes.
High performance paints such as Eurolux Matte Wallpaint excel in all respects. Although it is evident to the first time user that Eurolux provides beautiful colors that endure for many years what is less appreciated is the margin of environmental safety provided by a tight washable paint film.